Past Shows for our Family of Bands: The Snarky Cats, The Honeywood Acoustic Band, The Dead Ducks Band, The Bear Boogie Band, The Sushi Cowboys and Hold Your Horses
4/21/2024 Honeywood @ Inner Sanctum Cellars 1pm
6/13/2024 The Snarky Cats @ Cupertino Concert In the Park - Cupertino - 6:30pm
6/29/2024 The Snarky Cats @ The Lube Room Concert Series - Dorrington - 7pm
7/4/2024 The Snarky Cats @ San Jose Fireworks Show - San Jose 4pm
7/17/2024 The Snarky Cats @ San Andreas Concert Series - San Andreas 6:30pm
7/20/2024 The Snarky Cats @ Cameo Plaza Concert Series - Arnold 6pm
7/27/2024 The Snarky Cats @ Homegrown Hops Brewing - Livermore 2pm
8/3/2024 Hold Your Horses @ The Lube Room Concert Series - Dorrington - 7pm
8/10/2024 Private Party- San Jose
8/24/2024 The Snarky Cats @ Camp Connell Concert Series - Dorrington - 5pm
8/29/2024 Hold Your Horses @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
8/30/2024 Honeywood @ Boyle MacDonald Winery - Murphys 7pm
9/8/2024 Honeywood @ Inner Sanctum Cellars 1pm
10/18/2024 Honeywood @ Boyle MacDonald Winery - Murphys 6pm
11/1/2024 Honeywood @ Calaveras County Resource Center Benefit - Murphys
12/18/2024 Honeywood @ Honeywood @ Habitat For Humanity Benefit
12/28/2024 Honeywood @ Bear Valley Ski Resort
1/21/2023 Honeywood @ Bear Valley Ski Resort - Bear Valley 1pm
4/14/2023 Honeywood @ Boyle MacDonald Winery - Murphys 6pm
5/28/2023 Hold Your Horses @ The Lube Room - Dorrington - 5pm
6/7/2023 The Snarky Cats @ Guglielmo - Morgan Hill 6pm
6/24/2023 The Snarky Cats @ The Lube Room - Dorrington - 7pm
6/29/2023 The Snarky Cats @ Cupertino Concert In the Park - Cupertino - 6:30pm
7/4/2023 The Snarky Cats @ San Jose Fireworks Show - San Jose 4pm
7/19/2023 The Snarky Cats @ San Andreas Concert Series - CANCELED
7/20/2023 Honeywood @ Dust Bowl Brewing - CANCELED
7/27/2023 The Snarky Cats @ Almaden Concert in the Park - San Jose 6pm
7/28/2023 Honeywood @ Hayes Mansion - San Jose 5pm
8/10/2023 Honeywood @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
8/12/2023 The Snarky Cats @ Cameo Plaza Concert Series - Arnold 6pm
8/25/2023 Honeywood @ Boyle MacDonald Winery - Murphys 6pm
9/3/2023 The Snarky Cats @ Camp Connell Concert Series - Dorrington - 6pm
9/23/2023 Honeywood @ Dust Bowl Brewing - Turlock 6pm
9/28/2023 Bear Boogie Band @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
2/19/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Henflings - Ben Lomond 8pm
3/20/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Henflings - Ben Lomond 8pm
4/16/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Tempo - Gilroy 8pm
6/8/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Guglielmo - Morgan Hill 6pm
6/25/2022 The Snarky Cats @ The Lube Room - Dorrington - 7pm
6/26/2022 The Dead Ducks @ The Watering Hole - Murphys - 1pm
7/1/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Tempo - Gilroy 8pm
7/4/2022 The Snarky Cats @ San Jose Fireworks Show - San Jose 4pm
7/14/2022 The Bear Boogie Band @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
7/16/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Cameo Summer Concert Series - Arnold 6pm
8/4/2022 Honeywood @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
8/26/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Boyle MacDonald Winery - Murphys 6pm
9/1/2022 Honeywood @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
9/10/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Camp Connell Concert Series - Dorrington - 6pm
9/24/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Savannah Chanelle Winery - Saratoga 5:30pm
10/7/2022 The Snarky Cats @ Tempo - Gilroy 8pm
6/4/2021 The The Bear Boogie Band @ Forest Meadows - Murphys 6pm
6/9/2021 The Snarky Cats @ Gugilelmo Winery - Morgan Hill 6pm
6/29/2021 Honeywood @ Bistro Espresso Taco Tuesday - Arnold 6pm
7/1/2021 Honeywood @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
7/10/2021 The Snarky Cats @ Cameo Summer Concert Series - Arnold 6pm
7/15/2021 The Snarky Cats @ Almaden Concert In The Park - Cancelled
7/24/2021 The Snarky Cats @ The Lube Room - Dorrington - 7pm
7/31/2021 Honeywood & Friends @ The Angels Camp Museum - 12 Noon
8/1/2021 Honeywood @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 1pm
8/6/2021 The Snarky Cats @ Bistro Espresso Concert Series - Arnold 6pm
8/27/2021 The Bear Boogie Band @ Gianelli Vineyards - Jamestown Cancelled
8/29/2021 The Bear Boogie Band @ The Watering Hole - Murphys Cancelled
9/2/2021 Honeywood @ Pop The Bubbly - Murphys Cancelled
9/11/2021 The Snarky Cats @ The Ale House - Hollister 6pm
9/16/2021 Honeywood @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
9/16/2021 Honeywood @ The Watering Hole - Murphys 5pm
11/13/2021 Honeywood @ Snowshoe Brewing Company - Arnold 6pm
12/3/2021 Honeywood @ Snowshoe Brewing Company - Arnold 6pm
1/4/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Severinos - Aptos 8pm
1/25/2020 The Bear Boogie Band @ Murphys Irish Pub - Murphys 6:30pm
4/3/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Henflings - CANCELLED
4/4/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Good Old Days Music Festival- CANCELLED
4/13/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Private Party- CANCELLED
4/17/2020 Young Funkenstein @ Kelly Brewing Company - CANCELLED
4/23/2020 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino - CANCELLED
4/25/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Kelly Brewing Company - Morgan Hill - CANCELLED
6/10/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Gugilelmo Winery - Morgan Hill 6pm - CANCELLED
6/18/2020 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm - CANCELLED
7/4/2020 The Snarky Cats July 4th Celebration and Fireworks - CANCELLED
7/11/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Bistro Expresso Concert in the Park - CANCELLED
7/16/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Almaden Concert In The Park - CANCELLED
7/25/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Cameo Summer Concert Series - Arnold 6pm
8/1/2020 Honeywood & Friends @ Rootstock - Cupertino 7pm - CANCELLED
8/8/2020 The Dead Ducks - Private Party - CANCELLED
8/11/2020 Honeywood @ Bistro Expresso Concert in the Park - Arnold 6pm
8/29/2019 The Snarky Cats @ The Lube Room - Dorrington 8pm - CANCELLED
9/26/2020 Honeywood Mini Set @ Cameo Summer Concert Series - Arnold 6pm
10/30/2020 The Snarky Cats @ Private Party - San Jose 8pm
1/19/2019 The Dead Ducks @ Little Lous - Campbell 8pm
1/25/2019 Honeywood @ Alchemy - Murphys 6:00pm
3/15/2019 Honeywood @ Alchemy - Murphys 6:00pm
4/6/2019 Honeywood @ Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove 1pm
4/6/2019 The Snarky Cats @ Good Old Days Music Festival- Pacific Grove 2pm
4/6/2019 The Snarky Cats @ The Alehouse - Hollister 7pm
4/26/2019 Honeywood @ House Family Vineyard - Saratoga 5pm
4/27/2019 Honeywood @ Big Dog Winery - Milpitas 1pm
6/7/2019 Honeywood @ House Family Vineyards - Saratoga 5pm
6/8/2019 The Snarky Cats @ Private Party - San Jose 5pm
6/14/2019 The Bear Boogie Band @ Forest Meadows - Murphys 5:30pm
6/15/2019 The Bear Boogie Band @ Sequoia Woods Country Club - Arnold 7:30pm
6/22/2019 The Snarky Cats @ Bistro Expresso Concert in the Park - Arnold 6pm
6/29/2019 The Sushi Cowboys @ The Alehouse - Hollister 7pm
7/4/2019 The Snarky Cats July 4th Celebration and Fireworks - San Jose 4pm
7/6/2019 The Snarky Cats @ Ironstone's Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks - Murphys 4:30pm
7/12/2019 The Snarky Cats @ Sarah's Vineyard - Gilroy 6pm
7/20/2019 The Bear Boogie Band @ The Lube Room - Dorrington CA - 6pm
8/1/2019 The Snarky Cats @ Almaden Concert In The Park - San Jose 6:30pm
8/10/2019 The Dead Ducks @ Private Party - San Jose 5pm
8/23/2019 Honeywood @ House Family Vineyards - Saratoga 5pm
8/24/2019 Honeywood @ Big Dog Winery - Milpitas 1pm
9/1/2019 The Sushi Cowboys @ Bistro Expresso Concert In The Park - Arnold 6pm
9/14/2019 The Snarky Cats @ Severinos - Aptos 8pm
11/9/2019 The Snarky Cats @ The Alehouse - Hollister 7pm
12/1/2019 Honeywood @ Bistro Expresso - Arnold 5:30pm
12/21/2019 Snarky Cats @ Kelly Brewing Company - Morgan Hill 4pm
1/7/2018 The Dead Ducks @ The Alehouse - Hollister 2pm
1/20/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Ridgemark Country Club - Hollister 9pm
2/9/2018 The Snarky Cats @ The Cats - Los Gatos 8pm
4/14/2018 The Dead Ducks @ Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove 1pm
4/14/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Good Old Days Music Festival- Pacific Grove 2:30pm
4/14/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Ridgemark Country Club - Hollister 9pm
5/4/2018 The Dead Ducks @ Mortimers - Marina 9pm
5/5/2018 The Dead Ducks @ Satori Cellars - Gilroy 1pm
5/6/2018 Honeywood @ San Pedro Square - San Jose 2pm
6/2/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Monaghan's On the Hill - Oakland 7pm
6/21/2018 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 7pm
6/22/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Sarah's Vineyard - Gilroy 6pm
6/23/2018 The Dead Ducks @ The Lube Room - Dorrington 6pm
6/29/2018 Honeywood Goes Country @ Sarah's Vineyard - Gilroy 6pm
7/4/2018 The Snarky Cats July 4th Celebration and Fireworks - San Jose 4pm
7/7/2018 The Snarky Cats Independance Day Concert - Twain Harte 6pm
7/11/2018 Honeywood @ Hecker Pass WInery - Gilroy 5:30pm
7/14/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Ridgemark Country Club - Hollister 9pm
7/15/2018 The Dead Ducks @ San Pedro Square - San Jose 2pm
7/20/2018 The Dead Ducks @ The Ale House - Hollister 7pm
8/11/2018 The Dead Ducks @ San Pedro Square - San Jose 9pm
8/15/2018 Honeywood @ Hecker Pass Winery - Gilroy 5:30pm
9/1/2018 Snarky Cats @ Cameo Plaza Summer Concert Series - Arnold 5pm
11/3/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Pioneer Saloon - Woodside 9pm
11/9/2018 Honeywood @ Murphys Irish Pub - Murphys CA 6:30pm
11/17/2018 The Snarky Cats @ Ridgemark Country Club - Hollister 9pm
12/8/2018 The Snarky Cats @ The Ale House - Hollister 7pm
1/8/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Henflings - Ben Lomomd
2/17/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Pioneer Saloon
2/18/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Bear Valley
2/19/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Bear Valley
3/16/2017 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm
3/18/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Little Lous - Campbell 8pm
3/19/2017 Honeywood @ Sarah's Vineyard - Gilroy 1pm
4/1/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Pioneer Saloon - Woodside 9pm
4/6/2017 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm
4/8/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove 1pm
4/8/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove 2:30pm
4/8/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Bull and the Bear - Monterey 8pm
4/27/2017 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm
5/5/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Santana Row - San Jose 6pm
5/6/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Relay For Life - Willow Glen 1pm
5/28/2017 Honeywood @ Byington Vineyards - Los Gatos 1pm
6/7/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Santana Row - San Jose 6pm
6/15/2017 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm
6/16/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Pioneer Saloon - Woodside 9pm
7/4/2017 The Snarky Cats July 4th Celebration and Fireworks - San Jose 4pm
7/8/2017 Honeywood @ Big Dog Vineyards - Milpitas 1pm
7/9/2017 Honeywood @ Eagle Ridge (Private Concert) - Gilroy 5pm
7/16/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Sunday Streets Mission District-San Francisco 11am
7/20/2017 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm
7/22/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Private Party - Aromas 4pm
7/23/2017 Honeywood @ Aver Family Vineyard - Gilroy 1pm
8/12/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Private Party - San Jose
8/13/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Satori Cellars - Gilroy 1pm
9/4/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Private Party - San Jose 3pm
9/7/2017 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm
9/9/2017 Honeywood @ Sarah's Vineyard - Gilroy 1pm
9/21/2017 Honeywood @ Rootstock - Cupertino 6pm
9/23/2017 Honeywood @ Big Dog Vineyards - Milpitas 1pm
9/24/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Satori Cellars - Gilroy 1pm
10/1/2017 Honeywood @ Byington Vineyards - Los Gatos 2pm
10/7/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Ridgemark Country Club - Hollister 9pm
10/14/2017 Honeywood @ Aver Family Vineyard - Gilroy 1pm
10/15/2017 Honeywood @ Aver Family Vineyard - Gilroy 1pm
11/17/2017 The Snarky Cats @ Little Lous - Campbell CA - 8pm
11/18/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Kensington Circus - Kensington CA 8pm
12/9/2017 The Snarky Cats at Grillin & Chillin Alehouse - Hollister CA 7pm
12/10/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Mortimers Rhythm & Brews - Marina CA 6pm
12/22/2017 The Dead Ducks @ Little Lous - Campbell CA 8pm
1/15/2016 The Dead Ducks at Freewheel Brewing - Redwood City 8pm
1/29/2016 The Snarky Cats at Grinds, Vines & Automobilia- Morgan Hill 8pm
1/30/2016 Honeywood at Cinnabar Winery - Saratoga 5:30pm
2/9/2016 Honeywood at The Cats - Beatles Tribute - Los Gatos 7pm
2/11/2016 Honeywood at San Pedro Square - San Jose 7pm
2/19/2016 The Snarky Cats at Bargetto Winery - Soquel 6pm
2/20/2016 The Snarky Cats at Little Lou's - Campbell 8pm
2/27/2016 Honeywood & Friends at The Lucky Penny - Murphys CA 9pm
3/11/2016 The Snarky Cats at Charleys - Los Gatos 7pm
3/12/2016 Honeywood & Friends at Grinds, Vines & Automobilia - Morgan Hill 8pm
3/25/2016 Honeywood at Silicon Valley Capital Club - San Jose 8pm
3/26/2016 Honeywood at East Coast Alice - Saratoga 7pm
4/9/2016 The Snarky Cats at Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove 2:30pm
4/22/2016 Honeywood at Big Dog Vineyards - Milpitas 1pm
4/23/2016 The Snarky Cats at East Coast Alice - Saratoga 8pm
4/24/2016 Honeywood & Friends at Santana Row - San Jose Noon
5/6/2016 The Dead Ducks at Grinds, Vines & Automobilia - Morgan Hill 8pm
6/4/2016 Honeywood at Big Dog Vineyards - Milpitas 1pm
6/5/2016 Honeywood & Friends at Santana Row - San Jose Noon
6/11/2016 The Dead Ducks at Freewheel Brewing - Redwood City 8pm
7/4/2016 The Snarky Cats July 4th Celebration and Fireworks - San Jose 4pm
7/8/2016 Honeywood at Sarah's Vineyard - Gilroy 6pm
7/10/2016 Honeywood & Friends at Santana Row - San Jose Noon
7/23/2016 Honeywood at Experience Los Gatos In The Summer - 11am
7/23/2016 The Snarky Cats at The Surf Spot - Pacifica 4:30pm
7/30/2016 Honeywood at Big Dog Vineyards - Milpitas 1pm
8/11/2016 The Dead Ducks at Henflings - Ben Lomond 8pm
8/13/2016 The Dead Ducks at Private Party - San Jose
8/14/2016 The Dead Ducks at The Surf Spot - Pacifica 4:30pm
8/27/2016 Snarky Cats at Private Party - San Jose
9/10/2016 Snarky Cats at Cooper's Pub - Monterey 8:45pm
10/1/2016 Honeywood at Aver Family Vineyards - Gilroy 1pm
10/2/2016 Honeywood at Eagle Ridge Concert In The Park - Gilroy 5pm
10/9/2016 Snarky Cats at Henflings - Ben Lomond 4pm
10/22/2016 Snarky Cats at Pioneer Saloon - Woodside 8pm
10/31/2016 The Snarky Cats as Huma & The Weiners - Halloween Street Party - Los Gatos 6pm
2/6/2015 Honeywood Acoustic Show - Cinnabar Winery, Saratoga 5:30pm
2/20/2015 Snarky Cats at Bargetto Winery - Soquel 6pm
3/21/2015 Snarky Cats at Bear Valley Ski Resort - Bear Valley California 7pm
3/27/2015 Snarky Cats at The Cats - Los Gatos 8:30pm
3/28/2015 Snarky Cats at Kensington Circus Pub - Kensington 8pm
4/11/2015 Snarky Cats at Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove
5/1/2015 The Dead Ducks at Henflings - Ben Lomond 8pm
5/2/2015 The Dead Ducks at Willow Glen Relay For Life 3pm
5/24/2015 Snarky Cats at Brice Station Winery - Murphys California 7pm
5/30/2015 The Dead Ducks with Honeywood @ Santana Row - San Jose 5pm
6/7/2015 Honeywood Acoustic Show - Santana Row San Jose 5pm
6/12/2015 Honeywood Acoustic Show - Newsome Harlow Winery 7pm
6/13/2015 Honeywood Acoustic Show - Newsome Harlow WInery 7pm
6/19/2015 Snarky Cats at Santana Row - Big Summer Kickoff Party San Jose 5pm
6/24/2015 Snarky Cats at Michael's On Main - Soquel 7:30pm
6/26/2015 Snarky Cats at Charley's - Los Gatos 7pm
6/27/2015 Snarky Cats at Cooper's - Monterey CA 8pm
7/9/2015 Honeywood & Friends - Santana Row, San Jose 6pm
7/10/2015 Snarky Cats at Private Party - San Jose 6pm
7/11/2015 The Dead Ducks at Campbell Relay For Life - Campbell CA
7/16/2015 Snarky Cats at Bargetto Winery - Soquel 6pm
7/23/2015 Snarky Cats at San Jose Muni Summer Concert Series - 6:30pm
7/25/2015 Snarky Cats at Santana Row - San Jose 5pm
8/1/2015 Snarky Cats at Vines and Hoses Benefit for The Murphys Fire Dept
8/28/2015 Snarky Cats at Los Gatos Food Fest - Los Gatos 5:30pm
8/29/2015 Snarky Cats at Bull & Bear - Monterey 8pm
8/30/2015 Honeywood & Friends - Santana Row San Jose, 12 Noon
9/11/2015 Honeywood as special guests of Gropus Cackus at Sarah's Vineyards - Gilroy 6pm
9/27/2015 Honeywood at Crazy Canucks, Ambergris Caye, Belize
9/28/2015 Honeywood at Island Time Beach Bar, Ambergris Caye, Belize
9/29/2015 Honeywood at Legends, Ambergris Caye, Belize
10/9/2015 Snarky Cats at Little Lou's - Campbell 8pm
10/18/2015 Honeywood with Steve Siacotos at Clos LaChance Winery - Gilroy 1pm
11/13/2015 Snarky Cats at GVA - Morgan Hill - 8pm
11/14/2015 Honeywood at Cinnabar Winery - Saratoga 5:30pm
12/4/2015 The Dead Ducks at GVA - Morgan Hill 8pm
12/12/2015 Snarky Cats - Los Gatos Private Party
1/21/2014 The Cats - Los Gatos 7:00pm
2/14/2014 Charley's (Formerly Mountain Charley's) - Los Gatos 7:30pm
The Snarky Cats & Friends Valentine's Party With Special Guest OTR
3/9/2014 Sunday Streets - San Francisco Ferry Building 11am
4/5/2014 Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove 9:45am
4/5/2014 Mucky Duck - Monterey 8pm
4/21/2014 Dyngus Day - San Jose 6pm
5/25/2014 Brice Station Winery - Murphys California 7pm
6/6/2014 Santana Row - Big Summer Kickoff Party - San Jose 5pm
6/18/2014 The Cats - Los Gatos 7:00pm
6/21/2014 Longstock 2014 - Los Gatos/Santa Cruz Mountains 11am
6/27/2014 O'Malley's Sports Pub - Mountain View 7pm
7/4/2014 Arnold Concert In The Park - Arnold California 6pm
7/10/2014 Bargetto Winery - Soquel 6pm
7/11/2014 Santana Row - special guests Ric Hines & The Ones - San Jose 5pm
7/12/2014 Riz and Rimz - Livermore California
7/12/2014 Campbell Relay For Life - Campbell CA 3pm
7/25/2014 Kensington Circus Pub - Kensington 8pm
7/27/2014 Wharf to Wharf - Capitola - 9am
7/27/2014 Henflings - special guests Rick Hines & The Ones - Ben Lomond 4pm
8/14/2014 KFOX presents The Snarky Cats at Throwback Thursday at Great America - Santa Clara California 5pm
8/19/2014 The Snarky Cats and Friends - Tabard Theatre - San Jose 7pm
8/24/2014 SF 49er's Red Zone Rally at Great America - Santa Clara 10am
8/31/2014 Brice Station Winery - Murphys California 7pm
9/5/2014 Santana Row - End of Summer Party - San Jose 5pm
9/6/2014 Private Party - San Jose
9/7/2014 Henflings - Ben Lomond 4pm
9/16/2014 The Cats - Los Gatos 7pm
9/19/2014 Los Gatos Lodge - Los Gatos
9/20/2014 Private party with KFOX radio contest winners. - San Jose
10/5/2014 SF 49er's Red Zone Rally at Great America - Santa Clara 10:25am
10/25/2014 The Cats - Los Gatos CA 8:30pm
11/8/2014 Kensington Circus Pub - Kensington 8pm
3/1/2013 The Sports Page - Mountain View 8:30pm
3/10/2013 Henflings - Ben Lomond 4pm
4/1/2013 Dyngus Day - San Jose 6pm
4/6/2013 Sonoma Chicken Coop - Campbell 8:30pm
4/13/2013 Good Old Days Music Festival - Pacific Grove 9:45am
4/26/2013 Mucky Duck - Monterey 8pm
4/27/2013 Santa Clara Relay For Life - Santa Clara
5/31/2013 Santana Row - Big Summer Kickoff Party. San Jose 5pm
6/1/2013 Los Gatos Relay For Life - Los Gatos
6/2/2013 Caribbean Party - San Jose 2pm
6/7/2013 Campbell's First Friday - Campbell 6pm
6/9/2013 Sunday Streets - San Francisco 11am
6/22/2013 Longstock 2013 / Los Gatos/Santa Cruz Mountains
6/23/2013 Longstock After Party at Henflings - Ben Lomond 2pm
6/302013 Los Gatos Music In The Park 4pm
7/5/2013 Arnold Concert In The Park - Arnold California 6pm
7/13/2013 Rimz & Ribz - Livermore California 10am
7/13/2013 Campbell Relay For Life 2pm
7/28/2013 The Freak Flag Flyers at 41st Anniversary Wharf to Wharf - Capitola
7/28/2013 The Freak Flag Flyers with The Ones at Santana Row - San Jose 4pm
8/17/2013 San Jose Fire Department Burn Victims Benefit/Chili Cookoff - Campbell CA
8/18/2013 Santana Row - San Jose 4pm
9/14/2013 Private Party - San Mateo
10/26/2013 Private Party at Gordan Biersch Brewing - San Jose
11/15/2013 Charley's with OTR and The Gundacker Project - Los Gatos
12/6/2013 Apple Jacks - La Honda
12/8/2013 Private Party - San Mateo
4/9/2012 Dyngus Day - San Jose
5/19/2012 Willow Glen Relay For Life - San Jose
6/6/2012 Myth Taverna & Lounge - San Jose
6/17/2012 Private Party - San Jose
6/22/2012 Los Gatos Food Fest / Gourmet Food Trucks - Los Gatos
6/23/2012 Longstock 2012 / Los Gatos California
7/6/2012 Campbell First Friday - Campbell
7/14/2012 The Freak Flag Flyers at Rimz & Ribz - Livermore California
7/14/2012 The Freak Flag Flyers at Relay For Life- Santa Cruz California
7/22/2012 The Freak Flag Flyers at 40th Anniversary Wharf to Wharf
8/4/2012 The Fremont Festival Of The Arts Fremont 12noon-1pm
8/15/2012 Myth Taverna & Lounge - San Jose 7:30pm
8/24/2012 The Quarter Note with RUCKUS- San Jose 8:30pm
8/25/2012 Coastal 5k Family Fun Run & Festival - Pacifica California 10am
8/25/2012 Private Party - Saratoga 3pm-7pm
9/8/2012 Some Like it Hot 2 / San Jose California
9/9/2012 Henflings / Ben Lomond California 4pm
9/15/2012 The Spaniard Dinner - Twisted Oak Winery / Vallecito California
9/22/2012 Waterford Music Festival 6pm
10/14/2012 Henflings / Ben Lomond California 4pm with Special Guests RUCKUS
12/2/2012 Henflings / Ben Lomond California 4pm with Special Guests
4/26/2011 Dyngus Day
5/29/2011 Rubber Chicken Roast / Twisted Oak Winery / Vallecito California
6/18/2011 Longstock 2011 / Los Gatos California
7/3/2011 4th of July Party / Twisted Oak Winery / Vallecito California
7/16/2011 Some Like it Hot / San Jose California
9/10/2011 Twisted Oak Winery annual Spaniard Dinner Party
9/17/2011 Private Party / San Jose California
11/19/2011 Henflings / Ben Lomond California